Guidelines for Abstract Submission
  • Please submit extended abstracts, adhering to a maximum word limit of 1500, on any of the symposium topics/sub-themes through the designated submission link:
  • Ensure that the submission includes the author's name(s) and affiliation(s), including full address with country.
  • All submissions must be in English and formatted as a Word file/PDF, using Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced, and following the APA referencing style.
  • Each submission will undergo peer review.
  • Authors of selected abstracts will receive communication via email.
  • Full papers will be accepted only after the decision on abstracts is declared. Authors shall be communicated about it. The format/template for the final paper will be shared on the website soon.
  • For the preparation of the Digital Abstracts Book for IDEAS-2024, authors are requested to submit a rewritten version of their abstract, with grammatical corrections and within a word limit of 200-300 words here by October 06, 2024. A sample format is provided in the form itself.

  • All the authors who have received the acceptance of their abstracts are requested to submit full paper through the designated submission link:
  • Authors can use any standard format for the preparation of the full length manuscript. However, the manuscript is expected to contain the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion and Conclusion. The presentation to be made is expected to follow the standard format, containing the sections as that in the full paper.
  • All submissions must be in English and formatted as a Word file/PDF, using Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced, and following the APA referencing style.
  • Each submission will undergo peer review.
  • Authors are requested to confirm their participation and presentation by registering for the symposium on the website (registration details to be updated soon).
  • Selected papers will be published as Book Chapter/Special issue in Scopus/SCI indexed journal, after the symposium. The selection shall be on the basis of committee's reviews on the quality of work.
  • For any information or queries regarding submission, kindly mail us at or contact (Call/WhatsApp) Mr. Arjun Kapoor (Ph: +91-7087049708) or Mr. Sreehari S (+91-7012489165).